Hair Transplant Care

Before Hair Transplant

What should be done before hair transplantation? Are blood tests required? 
Selected routine blood tests such as CBC, HCV, bleeding time, clotting time, HHH, LFT, RFT, FBS, HBs, and ECG (ECG) on all leads is required. These are simple tests performed to make sure there are no undetected medical problems that could complicate surgery. Show the results to a trusted doctor before surgery. You can also scan and email the results.

What other precautions should I take before surgery?
For best results, you should stop smoking for two weeks before surgery. Some drugs may need to be stopped before surgery. 
You should tell your doctor about all medicines.
Do not eat spicy food the night before surgery.
Wash hair with shampoo 2 days before surgery.
Tell your doctor about allergies.
Will prescribed antibiotic 1day prior to hair transplant procedure.

What happens on the day of surgery?
Surgery is performed in the morning or afternoon. You can have breakfast or lunch before  arriving at the appointed time.
Before surgery, Dr. will review the plan and mark the hairline.  Only if you agree and sign the consent form will the operation begin.
May be accompanied by a supervisor. There is a separate waiting room for supervisors.
Don’t be nervous. This is a simple operation. Most patients are sleeping or watching TV during surgery.

After Hair Transplant

Aftercare is an important part of any hair transplant procedure. Aftercare can vary depending on the type of procedure and the individual, but typically includes avoiding certain activities, such as excessive sweating, avoiding alcohol and smoking, and avoiding direct sunlight. Patients should also follow a strict post-operative regimen to ensure optimal results with minimal scarring. This includes medications, like antibiotics and steroid creams, as well as instructions on when to shower and how to gently massage the grafts to promote blood flow and healing. Patients may also be asked to use a special shampoo and/or conditioner to protect their scalp and promote healthy hair growth.

Following the doctor's specific instructions on taking care of the transplanted area